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Additional Services

  • Project Consultation

    Meet 1 on 1 to discuss the vision, direction, and deadlines for your project and hear how EZ Street can be of service.
  • $50
  • 1 hour of consultation.
  • Book Now
  • Podcast Recoding

    This service is a setup for 4 people. Recording and editing of podcast session for premium sound quality.
  • $100
  • 1 hour of recording
  • 1 hour of editing
  • Book Now
  • DAW fundamentals

    Learn the fundamentals of pro tools. In this session we answering all your DAW (digital audio workstation) questions. The goal is to make you proficient in setting up your own session. This includes EQing, Compressing, Saturation, Bussing, I/O Setup, Organizing Session, and much more.
  • $100
  • 2X 1 hour sessions Consecutive weeks
  • Book Now
  • Radio Track

    Creating a radio friendly version of your explicit track. Some limitation depending on availability of multi-tracks.
  • $50
  • 1 hours session
  • Book now